Last year’s collaboration of The World As It Could Be with the Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE) in a course offering on Integrated Learning for Human Rights and Social Justice (2013) was a great success. We’re delighted to announce that the ACOE is offering a new course for teachers starting June 9 on Art-Centered Inquiry and Learning Across the Curriculum: Integrating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with art experiences aligned to Common Core Standards, with UDHR curriculum based on The World As It Could Be. Instructors Sarah Crowell, Julia Marshall and Charles Chip McNeal lead the class, which offers credits toward the Integrated Learning Specialist Certificate and CEU credits through a partnership with Mills College. Registration is $299 per person; space is limited and classes fill up fast. Some scholarship funds are available for San Francisco teachers.
From the flyer:
Why a focus on Human Rights, Social Justice?
The arts are powerful ways to explore and come to understand the importance of human rights, and to become fully engaged world citizens.
Human Rights Education is essential for all students to live in a healthy, peaceful, just society.
Authentic human rights education represents a paradigm shift toward valuing peace, harmony, and respect for all, educating youth to serve the common good.
The Integrated Learning Specialist Program offers teachers and teaching artists of all levels the opportunity to grow professionally in a supportive and creative environment while building a strong base for the future of teaching and learning in California.
Course A: Strategies and Resources for Arts Integration:
This hands-on course focuses on arts centered teaching and learning using frameworks developed at Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Project Zero and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy. This course aims to foster art and creativity for education professionals. Students will explore a range of art practices and creative strategies that will enrich the learning environment for both the teacher and students. Students will become familiar with frameworks that include Studio Habits of Mind, Teaching for Understanding and Making Learning Visible, learning how they can be used to develop a creative teaching practice that builds metacognition.
Dates: June 9-13, 2014 | 9:00AM – 4:00PM
Location: Creative Arts Charter School, 1601 Turk Street, San Francisco, CA