Finding hope, inspiration, and perspective to stay engaged against overwhelming discouragement
March 2024 Dear Friends and Colleagues, A colleague recently brought to my attention a compelling, as well as disturbing, [...]
March 2024 Dear Friends and Colleagues, A colleague recently brought to my attention a compelling, as well as disturbing, [...]
December 2023 In celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) On December [...]
October 2023 We can gain clarity and resolve to move from hateful, divisive rhetoric toward actions that validate the strength of positive, human [...]
September 7, 2023 Art and Ideas to Inspire Celebration of American Ideals and Commitment to Include Everyone in Them Dear Friends and Colleagues, [...]
June 2023 Art and Ideas to Inspire Celebration of American Ideals and Commitment to Include Everyone in Them Dear Friends and Colleagues, We [...]
Our director, Sandy Sohcot, was interviewed for Human Rights Educators USA's podcast Human Rights Education Now! In episodes 9 & 10, Sandy discusses HRE, [...]