Invitation to 2017 Summer Institute
Join us August 3 at Balboa High School for the Institute's Culminating Presentation! INVITATION FROM THE WORLD AS IT COULD BE IN COLLABORATION [...]
Join us August 3 at Balboa High School for the Institute's Culminating Presentation! INVITATION FROM THE WORLD AS IT COULD BE IN COLLABORATION [...]
TWAICB Director Sandy Sohcot writes: This past Sunday, April 23, the CBS Sunday Morning Show included a segment called “For Art’s Sake: When Funding the [...]
In May 2016, Sandy Sohcot, representing The World As It Could Be Human Rights Education Program (TWAICB), was the featured presenter at the California Teachers [...]
TWAICB Director Sandy Sohcot writes: April is National Poetry Month, a celebration of the importance of poetry to our culture that the Academy of American [...]
As part of last year's presentation "Fight to Unite, Unite to Fight," student participants in Arroyo High School's Future Leaders of Social Change academy shared [...]
By Sabrina Apodaca Women are equal to men. She is only 79% as hardworking as a man, Not capable of ever having high authority, Belonging [...]