Following up on our earlier post about the REACH Rite of Passage group’s study of UDHR Article 3, the right to life, liberty, and security of person, here’s an update on their Community Action Project related to police issues. They decided to create an event at REACH to generate more positive connections between the youth and the Sheriff’s Office team headquartered at REACH so as to encourage seeing each other as human beings.
TWAICB Director Sandy Sohcot writes:

Students ask law enforcement officers questions in Facts of Life Bingo at REACH.
On May 31st, several members of the Rite of Passage class helped carry out “Facts of Life Bingo” at the REACH Ashland Youth Center, as described in this document. The Sergeant and eight Deputies of the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO), based at REACH, provided answers to the questions, and Bingo Cards were put together containing the answers.

Facts of Life Bingo at REACH helps youth and officers see each other as human beings.
The ACSO officers were then on hand on May 31st so that REACH youth could complete their Bingo Cards, checking in with each officer to find out who belonged to each answer. We had three winners, and the ACSO officers now want to do this activity once a month at REACH! The photos shown here help illustrate the success of this event.
I believe that what has been so important about this process is how learning about and reflecting on the UDHR could be connected with real-life situations and turned into concrete actions to contribute to the community.