Onward to 2021 and putting more human back into being
Subscribe to our Newsletter December 2020 Dear Friends and Colleagues, Recent presentations by Loretta Ross have greatly inspired me to think more [...]
Subscribe to our Newsletter December 2020 Dear Friends and Colleagues, Recent presentations by Loretta Ross have greatly inspired me to think more [...]
Subscribe to our Newsletter Did you know how healthy humming is? October 2020 Dear Friends and Colleagues, A recent NPR article [...]
We must mobilize to help contain Covid-19 and insist that our leaders act responsibly. August 2020 Dear Friends and Colleagues, We last [...]
A proverb for this time: If we don’t change direction we are likely to end up where we are headed. Dear Friends [...]
Seeing human-ness in what we say and do Dear Friends and Colleagues, In our current Arroyo High School Rite of Passage class, [...]
We can build good will toward each other during the holidays and beyond Dear Friends and Colleagues, Especially during the holiday season, many [...]