TWAICB Rite of Passage

TWAICB Rite of Passage2022-05-16T19:49:26-07:00

Rite of Passage Program

One of the key elements of The World As It Could Be curriculum is having the youth prepare a culminating presentation for their school or organization and its extended community, to express their ideas about the significance of the UDHR and its connection to their lives.  This culminating presentation provided a basic Rite-of-Passage-like experience, in that the youth would go through the major effort of transforming what they had learned into a vital message to their community.

In 2014, as described in this write-up about our program becoming part of DSAL, we had the opportunity to develop a more full-fledged Rite of Passage program, where the participating youth would be celebrated for their accomplishments in learning about and committing to help make their communities increasingly healthy and vibrant.  We implemented The World As It Could Be Is Within Reach Rite of Passage at the REACH Ashland Youth Center in September 2014, with our first culminating presentation in May 2015.  Here is the video reflecting the work of this first year.

With five Rite of Passage classes now having been completed, and seeing the positive impact experienced by the participating students, we are proud to publish the documents provided here to guide the implementation of this meaningful program in other communities.  The Rite of Passage Process and Goals Document provides the learning objectives of the Rite of Passage Program, along with recommended elements to include in its implementation.  The Outline of Monthly Rite of Passage Meetings Document provides the details of each month’s weekly sessions.  We also provide descriptions of how class discussions led to the development of Community Action Projects in our write-ups of the 2015-16 Class, the 2017-18 Class and the 2018-19 Class.

We encourage creating this Rite of Passage class in your community.  We are here to offer guidance for your own initiative.  Just email us at

Read more about our Rite of Passage program and instructional materials!

Forms to Help Build Identity and Community

“Year long Rite of Passage at REACH”
Documentary By Frederick Marx and Warrior Films.

First The World As It Could Be Is Within
REACH Culminating Ceremony

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